While drug use and the effects of the global war on drugs have a dominantly male image, the impact of drug policies on women cannot be ignored. The growing number of women in prisons all over the world are linked to punitive drug laws. However due to a bigger male population, the needs of women in incarceration for drug offenses are largely unrecognised.
This module aims to build awareness on the situation of women in relation to drugs, and specifically, women in incarceration due to drug offenses. It seeks to promote gender-sensitive drug policy reform towards reducing the numbers of women in incarceration due to drug related offenses.
This module is built on the hope that the rights of women in incarceration for drug offenses are recognized as part of the greater movement to protect and promote women’s rights as human rights.
Session 1 - Background on Women and Drugs
Session 2 - Women’s Rights are Human Rights
Session 3 - Violations of Women’s Rights in Relation to Drugs and Incarceration
Session 4 - The Situation of Women in Incarceration
Session 5 - Women in the Criminal Justice System
Session 6 - International Policies Affecting Women’s Rights in Relation to Drugs and Incarceration
Session 7 - Women Post-Incarceration: Situation and Policy Concerns