
Review of the National Health Sector Response to HIV in Republic Indonesia

Book Cover: Review of the National Health Sector Response to HIV in Republic Indonesia

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia sought the cooperation of the World Health Organization to conduct a Review of the National Heath Sector Response to HIV, from 16 to 27 January, 2017. The most recent review had taken place in 2011. The present review took stock of the implementation of the 2011 recommendations and through a variety of methods, examined progress achieved since the last review, opportunities for further progress and barriers faced by Indonesia towards achieving its medium-term goals of effectively scaling up HIV prevention, care, treatment and support (i.e by 2020, 90% of PLHIV will be aware of their HIV status; 90% PLHIV will be aware of their HIV status: 90% of these will be on treatment; and 90% of those on treatment will have achieved viral elimination). The longer-term goal of the Indonesian response to HIV is to eliminate transmission of HIV by 2030.

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The author Redaksi

Tim pengelola media dan data Rumah Cemara


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